Dr. Toya Coaching

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The Perfect Solution Trap: Why Choosing Convenience Changes Everything

December 25, 2024

As Physician moms, we often get caught up in seeking perfect solutions. From patient care to parenting decisions, we're trained to aim for ideal outcomes. But sometimes, this pursuit of perfection keeps us from making choices that could actually make our lives easier.

A Lesson from Red Hair 

Recently, I found myself at a crossroads - literally at a hair salon with the wrong color extensions. My options? Accept red hair (which I didn't want) or completely derail my schedule trying to find the "perfect" option.

This might seem like a trivial decision, but it represents something deeper: our tendency to reject good-enough solutions because they don't match our ideal vision.

The Cost of Perfect 

Think about the times you've said no to help because it wasn't exactly what you wanted:

  • Refusing household help because they don't fold exactly like you

  • Turning down childcare because it's not your first choice

  • Avoiding delegation because others might do it differently

Making Peace with Good Enough 

Choosing red hair taught me something valuable: sometimes, the "imperfect" solution creates more peace than pursuing the perfect one. Consider what you're sacrificing in the pursuit of perfection:

  • Time

  • Energy

  • Mental space

  • Immediate relief

The Power of Choosing Ease 

When I chose convenience over my perfect vision, I gained:

  • Hours of time saved

  • Mental energy preserved

  • Immediate solution to my problem

  • Space to focus on what truly matters

Making Strategic Sacrifices 

The key is recognizing when good enough is actually better than perfect. Ask yourself:

  1. What am I really gaining by holding out for the perfect solution?

  2. What immediate relief am I denying myself?

  3. Is this temporary compromise worth the immediate peace it brings?

Moving Forward Sometimes survival mode is necessary until we can thrive. Choosing convenience isn't giving up - it's strategic decision-making that preserves our energy for what truly matters.

The Next Step 

Look at your life right now. Where are you refusing good solutions because they're not perfect? What could you gain by choosing convenience instead?

Remember, the goal isn't to lower your standards. It's to make strategic choices that serve your wellbeing and create space for what truly matters.

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